Monday, October 6, 2014

The Joy of Admitting You Don't Know

Don't be afraid to ask questions.

Don't be afraid to not know.

I'm not talking about asking questions that just turn out to be walls.There's such a fine line between asking a question because you want to know and asking a question because you don't want to know.

Some questions are just walls... nothing more.

Some answers are just walls too. Many times our answers are just defenses against what we don't want to believe. They have very little to do with a real, meaningful discovery.

But there's a real joy in admitting when you honestly don't know something. I'm talking about genuine questions. The kinds that make you laugh at how little you understand.

It's a humbling experience to not know. It forces you to sit down and realize for a moment that you are not God... That you aren't in control like you thought you were. It forces you to let go, and trust again. What a good and healthy experience that is!

But a lot of people, I've found, don't treat "not knowing" like that. It actually scares them. They feel insecure when they don't know...And I think that's why we get a lot of bogus answers to difficult questions. The answers are generated out of fear of not knowing, rather than confidence in the love of God.

But let me just encourage you: God doesn't protect you because you know everything. He protects you because you're his kid. The fears aren't coming because you don't know something. The fears are coming because you've forgotten how much God loves you in spite of your ignorance.

Even babies know how to grab for their parents. It doesn't take great intelligence to trust. It simply takes confidence that somebody's gonna love you. And God proved it to you, right? God proved that He loved you by giving Jesus to die on the cross. He gave His only Son so that you could become his child. Because he wants to protect you and keep you safe.

My encouragement to you today is to not let fear drive you to a bogus answer. Don't be afraid to not know something... or even a lot of things... instead, rejoice because the heavy weight of being God does not fall on you. Rejoice because he answers prayers and even difficult questions. It may take time for God to answer our questions, or it might be as quick as lightening... But until your answers come, trust that God loves you and by all means, don't be afraid! Don't let you heart be troubled!

And even right now, as weird as this is, I just see that God has placed mighty angels there to protect and save you. I don't know how that can be possible, as I have no idea who is reading this or who needs to hear that but it's true.

Psalm 91:11
For he will command his angels concerning you
    to guard you in all your ways.

God is there to protect and save. So don't be afraid!

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